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Monday, September 24, 2012

Like water for soda

So about 2 weeks ago I decided, thanks to inspiration from a friend who informed me she hadn't had pop in a year, that I was done drinking pop.  On Monday I finished off what was left of my Dt. Coke and on Tuesday I had my normal 2 cups of coffee, but instead of 3-5 cans of pop, I had 3-5 16oz jugs of water every day.  It took a couple of days to get the soda out of my system, but then found that my energy level is actually higher than before.  I feel more motivated to do things around the house and with the kids.  The junk foods I loved, like chips, no longer taste good without pop to wash it down.  Not surprisingly, I have lost 5 pounds since making the switch.
My exercise has not been the best, but I want to get back to that as well.  My family has been sick for the last week, and the chest cold combined with the chilly temps has kept me inside.  Tomorrow looks like it will be nice, a good day to start the walking again. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh yeah...I forgot all about this...

Hello again!  It's been a while..I've never been the greatest at journaling I suppose.  It is preferable for me to express myself via email to good friends and family than to take the time to sit and write on a blog that may or may not be followed.  Eh, I digress.
So about a year later, I sit at around the same weight and Jim and I are back on the Atkins train.  I've learned that diet is only part of the equation...though important.  I don't particularly care for Atkins, but it does force me to be accountable.  I don't do the calorie counting thing so well (ONE cookie doesn't really matter...unless I add three or ten to that and then why bother counting anymore, the day is shot.  What the heck...what's one more cookie?)
Well, Atkins says "no, no cookies for you! eat some salad or cheese instead" Hmpf.
So in an effort to keep my mind off of food and get my sedentary self back into shape I've taken a liking to walking again.  It is something I can do with the kids (daycare and my own) fairly easily, gets us all outside for a bit, and gives me a huge feeling of accomplishment.  I've started using Daymile to track my miles walked as well so I can see (and brag about) the progress I make in any given week.  Again, this keeps me accountable.  I feel irritated at myself when I don't log a walk because it is so easy to at least take a lap around the block.
Anyway, I may not kick the weight off by summer, but I'm on my way...again.  Jim is being very supportive as well.  He is staying positive, adopting Atkins with me, and seems to have found the way to push me without pissing me off.  This is not an easy task.  I don't like being pushed. ;)
All for now.  Later gaters.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Atkins and new outlooks

I cannot count the number of times we have jumped on the Atkins bandwagon in the past.  But I guarantee that every time i cheated like crazy when Jim wasn't looking.  I hated, HATED that diet/lifestyle.  I don't know why exactly but this time has been totally different for me.  do I snag a piece of cereal here and there? Sure.  Have I cheated...once.  But I have a new motivation and new respect for this diet that I never did before.
I took a good look at the food we are eating, and it dawned on me.  We eat almost NO processed food anymore.  We eat fresh meat, eggs, cheeses, varying lettuce salads, fresh vegetables (and sometimes frozen too), and now have introduced some (low/no carb!) whole grains.  It is very exciting.  I am back under 200 pounds again and though the weight is not coming off as quickly as I had hoped it might, it is coming off steadily and healthily.
I will admit that I miss fruit, but that will be incorporated eventually.  I am trusting the process, and it is working.  We are also working out 3 days a week, together.  That is the word of the day.  TOGETHER.  If Jim wasn't doing this with me I would have thrown my hands up by now.  It is so important that we are doing this together and supporting and pushing one another to do better and succeed.  It makes me feel so much closer to Jim than I ever thought!  Like I said, we've tried all of this before with limited success.  This time it is just so much different in a great way than it ever was before.
It's all about perspective. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Aaannnnddd, I'm back. :)

So, yeah.  It would seem that life got ahold of me again and I allowed it to derail my fitness efforts.  It's an easy temptation to fall prey to when working overnight, and full time day as a daycare provider, and of course always a full time wife and mother.  At some point, something has to give, and unfortunately the first thing to go is a normal exercise routine.
But, the paper route is done now, and a major family/friends drama has passed from which I have a LOT of anger to work out so time to bring the exercise back in to the equation.
I have begun running a daycare out of my home recently, and currently have one infant in my care.  Next month I begin the licensing process so I can care for more families and bring in more income.  The upside to this is huge.  I still get to be at home with my kids which is my number one priority right now.  If it goes well and grows, it will allow me to continue to be home even after all the kids are in school.  It is important to me to be there for them even if they aren't in the house.
The downside, of course, is that my time during the day is not all mine anymore.  I can't simply chose to take a trip to the Y in the morning and go to my classes for 2 hours.  I also have a very difficult time going in in the evenings with Jim.  By evening I am too tired from the rest of my day to motivate myself to pile the kids into the car, drive across town, do a workout, pile the kids back into the car, then come back and have bedtime battles. It's easier for me to put James down to bed, then take the dogs for a walk.  Easier for me to take the dogs for a walk at 5:30am before the kids are up and crazy.  The 1.5 mile walk is a challenge, but soon it wont be and I'll start jogging for part of it.  Then jogging for all of it.  Then extend the distance. And so on.  The workout should not be easy.  Getting to do the workout should be.  How else am I going to make it a habit.
It's all about adapting to a new situation, not making excuses about how it hinders me.  Here's to adapting! :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snowy day reflections

I remember when I was young and always dreaming about the future with a horrible case of the "I can't wait until"s.  I couldn't wait to get my first car, get married, have kids, buy a house, job, the list goes on and on. Now as I sit in my house, listening to the older kids play outside in the season's first snowfall while my youngest rests on my chest (too tired to get up and play, but not tired enough to continue his nap in his crib) and husband is in the basement having a boy day with his buddies I feel content.  We both have our dream car, mine a brand new van, his a practically new Trans Am, he has a great job as a Sr. Systems Engineer, and I have my dream job as stay at home mom to our children.  We've had a lot of ups, and a LOT of downs two of the biggest of which nearly ended our marriage, but here we are stronger for the experiences that have brought us to this point.
I think that anyone can look back on their life and wonder "what if" they did this or that differently, but the longer I walk this world the more clear it becomes that what's done is done.  The real point is to do the best with what you have, and to truly appreciate all that you have. Here are a few of the things in my life that I am grateful for:
1.  My marriage.  Some have doubted the strength of our love over the years and all have been proven wrong over and again.  We may fight, but we never go to bed angry.  We may not be perfect, but we are perfect for each other.  And through the years and through all of the high highs and low lows we are still learning things about each other and finding new ways to be better to and for one another.  I can honestly say that I can't think of a time in the almost 14 years we have been together, 10 of which married, when we have been happier.
2.  My children.  They both drive me up the wall and fill me with a sense of accomplishment, complete and unconditional love, and pride all at the same time and with equal measure.  They challenge me daily (some days, hourly) to be strong in my convictions and my love for them drives me to be a better person and mother.
3.  My job.  My job title is Stay at Home Mom.  My duties are: housewife, maid, chauffeur, cook, dog groomer, hair stylist, interior decorator, problem solver, activities planner, and last but certainly not least comforter for the sick, tired and otherwise sad of our home.  It is a job of many duties but all are worth the work it takes to do them correctly.  The better I am at my job, the happier my husband and family are.  I may not contribute much by way of bringing money into the house, but I am confident that my contributions are worth way more than a pay check ever could be.  I don't think anyone looks back on their lives and wishes they had worked outside the home more.  Many look back and wish they had had more time with their children and loved ones.  I will not have to be in that category, and gives me a sense of accomplishment that any other job could never come close to.
4.  My family and friends.  I may not have a bus load of really close friends, but the ones I do have have always been there for me and stood beside me...and got behind and pushed me when I needed it.  My family is the same way.  I know that no matter what stupid antics I may pull, that my family loves me for ME no matter what.  In fact, I have such love for my close friends that they, in essence, become a part of my family.  My mom is patient and understanding.  She listens without judging and is careful with her advice so as to avoid being pushy.  My dad was always there to listen to my problems and both helped me to come to my own conclusions about how to handle them.  I have a wonderful sister, and my close girlfriends feel like sisters to me as well.  Anyone would be blessed to have even one friend like that.  I am blessed to have three.  Having a strong support system makes this thing called life a little easier to walk through.
5. My home.  It may not be updated with all the latest trends, the paint job is clearly amateur (hey, cut a girl some slack!), and there are definite areas in need of finishing and/or repair.  But it is our home.  It houses the most important people in my life and we have created a warm and inviting space for ourselves and any who chose to visit.
6. My health.  Sure I could use to lose about 60 pounds (which was the reason for starting this blog in the first place) and I know that I will get there.  But aside from that major annoyance I am in great health.  There are many who are not so lucky, so it is important to realize and be thankful for this.

Well, I think I have rambled on enough for today.  It is important to take stock in ones life now and again and rather than just sit and think on it, to actually share with others who care to hear about it.  I hope that in sharing others may stop to think of the things in their lives that are great and allow the great to outweigh the not so great.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I didn't, but I did!

So, I'm busted. I did not walk on the treadmill today. I decided to walk outside instead. I will do almost anything to avoid the dreaded treadmill...even walk just over 7 miles round trip to pick up my son from school. It was long, it was tough, and I will admit that at the point where I normally turn to do my 1.5 mile lap I seriously considered just doing that then driving to pick up my son. Then when we reached a park that I know is roughly a mile from my house I again thought "If I turn back now, I will still get 2 miles in, and be able to drive to pick him up." But I persevered and passed the park, thus reaching the point of no return. I left the house at 1:35, and know that I walk roughly a 20 minute mile (hey...give me a break, I'm pushing a stroller with two kids in it and am still very out of shape) so I really just had to hit the halfway point, at which I knew that if I turned and walked back home I would most likely be late to pick him up.
It really actually helped to have my daughter with me to talk to and distract me. My youngest just enjoyed the scenery and even took a little nap along the way. In all, we made it there and back and I am still alive. Though, the look on his teacher's face when she saw me all red faced and sweaty was nearly priceless. I was too tired to be embarrassed, I just wanted to grab my son, turn and keep walking for fear that if I stopped for too long I would have to call my husband to come and get me.
There are blisters on my ankles, and my legs are already sore, but beyond that I have this immense feeling of accomplishment. It may have taken me 2+ hours to do it, but I did it. And I want to do it again. Sadly my schedule and 3 extra kids on some days wont allow for me to make the trek to my son's school on a regular basis, but I can suck it up and walk the treadmill. I don't have to do the full 7 miles all at once, and tomorrow will most likely split it up into at least 2 if not 3 chunks to make it a little more bearable. The main point is that I have set a bar for myself, and now I need to reach it every day. Because I can, because I should, and because I owe it to myself and my family to be healthy and happy.
I may have been thoroughly exhausted when I came home today, but I was happy. And it showed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

i will. I will. I WILL!

Another plateau...bleh. It's definitely rough to begin making progress only to flatline once again. A veritable slew of reasons/excuses are behind the latest plateau but it really boils down to not finding the time, check that, not making the time to exercise daily.
The last few days I have taken action to remove that excuse. I cleared the wall of stuff that had somehow built itself around the treadmill. Along with it, removed the wall of reasons why I shouldn't have to use it now that we are members at the Y. I don't go to the Y every day. I don't want to feel like I have to do so in order to get a good workout in. I CAN walk down to the basement every day and walk for an hour. I can, and I should. And I will.
Tomorrow I will not go to the Y. I will wake up early and put on my workout garb, grab my ipod and go down to the basement and walk. It will be quiet. It will be time just for me, and I will feel good for the rest of the day because of that decision. To be honest, I can't wait.